La morosité règne en France cet été. As in Normandy, we no longer say «
il pleut ». We say «
i'r'pleut ». That is, in proper French, «
il repleut ».
Autrement dit, "it's raining again."
I know you're tired of hearing about this reality from me.
Tant pis. C'est comme ça. Normally, at this time of year we have a table and chairs set up out in the back yard, under a big umbrella, for outdoors lunches and dinners. Not this year. No point.
I'm decorating this post with pictures I've taken
recently out in the vineyard.
In other news, Peugeot announced yesterday that it is going to eliminate 8,000 jobs in France and close down a Citroën factory in Aulnay-sous-Bois, just north of Paris. It seems that Peugeot and Citroën cars are caught in the middle. They're too expensive compared to cars built in Romania or Poland, but they don't have the
image de marque that German cars like Audi and BMW enjoy among people who can afford more expensive vehicles.

I have a Peugeot. I really like the car. I've had it for 9 years now, but I bought it used and it will be 12 years old in December. It can pass for a much newer model. When the time comes to buy a second car — we'll keep the old Peugeot if we can — I want it to be a Citroën. No, not a Deux Chevaux (2CV) but a newer Citroën, like a
C3 or a

I guess we should all get used to rising prices for cars and fuel, and a more limited choice when it comes to buying a car. One thing I've already gotten used to is having a very small car. Most people around here do, compared to the situation in the land of mega-vehicles, the USA. I enjoy zipping around on the narrow country lanes here, where you have to pull partially off the roadway to let an oncoming car pass you, the few times that you encounter one.

One day an American friend who was riding with me, when I pulled halfway off the pavement like that to let an oncoming car pas, asked: "Are you sure this is a two-way road?" I was.

Well, it's time to take Callie out for her walk —
avant qu'il ne r'pleuve... Today is supposed to be the worst day yet, with more than an inch of rain before it's over. Maybe we're touching the bottom. It is Friday the 13th, after all.
P.S. Too late.
I'r'pleuvait quand je suis sorti pour la promenade.
While you were in New England, I kept leaving comments about the weather we were having here. I was trying to get you mentally prepared for the return. All we can hope for now is to have sunny, hot "arrière saison" and that should make for a decent wine for your vintner neighbors.
ReplyDeleteMy tomatoes are starting to show signs of ripening. I think my carrots, beets, and romaine seeds that I sowed directly in the plot drowned; nothing has come up.
... j'vais faire un tour avant qu'i n'repleuve !
ReplyDeleteBonjour Janet, et merci.
ReplyDeleteits be re-raining here(western NC) for the last 4 days.....we asked for it cause things were getting i feel mildewed.....and the cats r getting antsy
ReplyDeleteI wish I could package and send you our weather. We are frying here - both under the sun and mercury wise. Tomorrow it is going to be worse, so far according to the weatherman- it will be as if I am back to the island, except no huge trees or verandas to hide under.
It's raining so hard that our satellite TV reception has been knocked out. No Tour de France for us this afternoon.
ReplyDeleteEnglish friends in sweaters stopped by at noon for a glahsss and remarked on how chilly and gray it is.
I've hardly ever seen rain this hard for this long in Saint-Aignan. The rain gauge is going to overflow.
Ken, 22mm here at 5.05pm and Pauline is converting Apricots to make Apricot sorbet and I'm in the longére painting my office wall... the upside of non-outdoor weather.
ReplyDeleteThis evening we'll decant and bottle the Epine Noire!
And no salade tonight either... it is not the weather... pork chops, onions, cabage and Red Duke of York potatoes that were in the ground yesterday at this time.
I'm feeling warmer just thinking about that!!
Oh, là, là, tu exagères, lol, quand tu essaies de nous imiter, les Normands !
ReplyDeleteYep, it's true, it "r'pleut" much too often every day and it has been going on for, well, I don't even remember !!!
And can you imagine I'll have retractable window awnings (store électrique) installed on my terrace at the end of July or beginning of August ?!!! I hope the weather will soon improve...
Wish we could trade some of our drought for your rain! Guess things are tough all over.
ReplyDeleteThat's bad news about Peugeot and France seems to be on the verge of an austerity program. One would think they'd have figured out by now that it doesn't work. Oh well, it will be good for those of us converting dollars.
ReplyDeleteTim, you got off easy down there. We had 35 mm of rain in the gauge by 5 o'clock, and the rain was still falling.
ReplyDeleteMarie, ;^)
Starman, I agree with what you say. The Peugeot situation will be an interesting challenge for the new socialist government.
Tim, this week I bought everything I needed to make a big choucroute garnie. If that doesn't get the weather to turn hot, I don't know what will.