Today is February 2, the date upon which falls the Catholic holiday called La Chandeleur. It is traditional to make crêpes on Feb. 2, and that's what we will be doing at noon time.
Today is also the first anniversary of our late friend Charles-Henry's death. He was 99 years old and had lived in the U.S. since 1969. He also owned an apartment in Paris, which had belonged to his parents for many decades. I stayed there with him many times after Walt and I moved to France from California in 2003. He and I traveled all around northern France during those years.
My trouble for the day is trying to leave comments on my own blog. I just don't know why it works one time and not the next. I appreciate all your good comments. If I don't respond, it's because Blogger won't let me. I have no idea what to do to force its hand. One day it works fine, the next it just limps along, and the third day it won't work at all. I'm not yet sure what kind of day this one is... or will be.
Walt's cold isn't much better this morning, if at all. I haven't developed any alarming symptoms so far, but this morning my sinuses and eyes feel like I'm having an allergy episode. We shall see how things go. Friends of ours from California will be arriving in Paris today or tomorrow for a short stay. We've been planning to meet in Tours (one hour from Paris by TGV, one hour or so by car from Saint-Aignan) for lunch on Wednesday. Walt won't be going. I hope the cold won't prevent me from driving over there. The weather is supposed to turn warmer (around 50F) but a lot rainier over the course of the week. I'll take it.
We're having choucroute for lunch again today. Yesterday we had an escarole and white bean soup. I actually made it with French flageolet beans, which are very good. I posted about the escarole a few days ago. Sorry, no pictures of the soup. It was delicious and hot (temperature-hot), just what the doctor ordered. I've been searching the internet for a gîte to rent in March and I hope the weather will be more spring-like by then. So far I've only found one gîte that looks promising. It's near Limoges.