10 October 2017

Potted ferns, red roof, blue shutters

I don't know anything about this house except that it is in Bath, North Carolina. I like the porch, the rocking chairs, and the potted ferns.

Flying today...


  1. Through security and at the gate. My flight will be 25 minutes late. Don't know why.

    1. So was my flight and I don't know why either. My flight was very smooth and guess yours was too.

    2. The flight was pretty smooth but legroom was really minimal. We flew pretty far south to go around a storm, coming into Raleigh from the southeast instead of from the northeast. We took off at least 30 minutes late but arrived only 10 minutes late. Must have had a tailwind.

    3. Just like you, we went much further south than the usual route, in an almost straight line from.Land's End, in England, to Connecticut.

    4. Forgot to mention it was hot and muggy in NoVa!

  2. I like the porch and the ferns and the shutters and everything, too!

    By now, you are over the Atlantic. Bon voyage!

  3. There are homes in Saratoga NY that look just like that ... when they have racing season in the summer, you can see all the grand homes and gardens .. Have a good trip, hurry back :)

  4. Bon Voyage to both Ken and the cousin.

    1. Thank you Cousine. As I commented above it was very smooth. I guess Ken's flight was the same even though it left two hours prior to mine.

    2. Bonjour Cousin et Ken,

      As I said before, expect some delays and looks like both of you experienced it yesterday. This has been what we experienced on both trips , back and forth !

  5. Bon voyage. NC has some nice weather lined up for you. (Or is it tempting fate to mention that?)

    1. It was raining when we landed in Raleigh. I drove through at Smithfield, at Goldsboro, and between Kinston and New Bern. It was a pretty drive, and down here, east of New Bern, there's been no rain for the few hours since I arrived. But it's hot and humid, like August in Saint-Aignan can be!


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