22 July 2014


The skies over Saint-Aignan, I mean. I guess the weather we're having is typical for summertime. We have a few hot, sunny days, followed by a few cool, rainy days. Then it starts again. The weather is “iffy” most days. It's hard to know what to expect. You can tell from these views out our loft windows.

There's been a good amount of rain, and we've heard thunder on quite a few days. But we haven't had much close-by lightning, and we haven't had any hail or very strong winds. The rain has been good for the garden — as well as good for the gardener, who doesn't have to spend so much time watering.

Today we're driving to a restaurant for lunch with friends. It's not something we do very often. I hope the weather won't be too threatening. The drive will be about 85 miles round-trip. The bulletin météo I just watched on Télématin says to expect showers and a high temperature of about 80ºF.


  1. Your monochrome [camaïeu in French] first photo is gorgeous!

  2. And the second one is so fine! Enjoy your lunch.

  3. Thank you, my two good friends ...

  4. (sings)

    let the stormy clouds chase
    everyone from the place
    come on with the rain
    I've a smile on my face
    we'll walk down the lane
    with a happy refrain
    just singing
    and dancing in the rain

    (inspired by your photos)

  5. I wish we were going to sit down to a restaurant lunch in France today. But I know you'll tell us about it tomorrow, so I'm happy to settle for that.

    1. Hi Carolyn, I didn't take any photos at the restaurant!

  6. Safe travels and happy times, with good food-- my wishes for you both today :)

  7. 'Iffy' ?! Interesting. Thank you for teaching me a new word :)! And for posting the beautiful photos. Those French skies never stop amazing me.

  8. Haha, Martine, great word isn't it! I've always loved that word - 'iffy'!

    Great pictures, Ken. I love the vibrant green in the second one! Hope you enjoyed your meal today - wish I could have had a meal in a French restaurant today. However - far too hot here to do any cooking today, so we'll settle for a take-away.

    1. Hi Elgee! Lovely word, indeed. As for the vibrant green in the second photo, I think Ken has a secret agreement with Photoshop :) Sorry Ken, just taking the mickey. lol!

    2. Mea culpa. I took the photo late in the day and I did have to lighten it up, but I didn't otherwise adjust the color. You'd be surprised how green the vineyard is right now, with the alternating rain and sun we've been having. Bises...

  9. Very nice picture of France.


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