15 July 2014

Du raisin, il y en a

Day one of the diet. I won't be eating any grapes. Or any other fruit or vegetable. No milk or soft cheese. No bread on this diet. I have quince, raspberry, and apple jelly in the fridge, but if I can't have any on bread or in yogurt (interdit !), how would I eat it?

Ce n'est pas la fin du monde, après tout. Here are some photos of the state of the grapes in July. There are a lot of them and they are really growing fast.

We've had a lot of rain to plump the grapes up, and we're expecting more next weekend. Saturday looks like a very rainy day. Of course. That's when we have friends coming over. I guess we'll have an indoor pizza party.

By then, I'll be recovered and I'll be back on my regular diet. There will be much cheese and many vegetables, not to mention things like ham, chicken, and sausage, on the pizzas. You can tell what I'm looking forward to right now. And it won't take place in a hospital.


  1. Too bad theses grapes are not really edible when ripe!

  2. You can eat them if you let them get very ripe. They will even get sweet, but the skins will be tough.

  3. grapes = raisins (en francais); and raisins are dried grapes (in the usa). interesting how language works!

  4. Ken you sould be patient it's only few day. My fingers crossed.

  5. Concentrate on what you can eat...meanwhile you are making me what bread. I'm having an almond croissant this morning the way you taught me how to make them. Miam, miam. Wedding is history- there are a few photos on FB.

  6. Good advice, E. I've been looking at some of the photos on FB.

  7. I can't believe I completely forgot to check my blogs this morning, Duh, I am officially losing it! All will be well Ken. I had a colonoscopy last year and it was not horrible. Fasting is a good thing once in a while.


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