04 August 2022

Saint-Aignan in summer (25)

A year ago yesterday, our high temperature was 20C, which is 68F, and the morning low was 11C (52F). Those were fairly normal temperatures in the old climate. This morning, in the new climate, our outdoor temperature is 25ºC (77F) and yesterday our afternoon high was 34C (between 93 and 94F). It was about 92F up in the loft in the evening. Needless to say, we both slept downstairs again. (P.S. Walt just told me he went back upstairs at midnight to try to sleep up there, but had a miserable night.) I now have all the windows and doors open and a little cool morning air is flowing, with the help of two electric fans. MétéoFrance has issued a warning for strong thunderstorms in our region today.

I bet it's cooler inside the Château de Saint-Aignan, with its thick old walls, than it is in our house.

The basil and elephant bush plants in pots on our east-facing front deck are more tolerant of the heat than we are.


  1. Yuck. 92° in the loft! In the evening!
    It was so hot in Boston a couple of weeks ago that Doug slept on the floor, trying to get some kind of relief. I think it was well into the 80s in their apartment. Betsy and the rest of us were in Vermont. Here in St Louis, the massive rains have caused so much flooding downstream from us, that the creek in our back yard finally actually breached the banks and came fully into our back yard, several inches.... made it all the way to our back door, but not into the house.

  2. You picked a good time to go to Vermont. Glad the water didn't get into your home.

  3. Our pickleball club is having a tournament starting tomorrow (in the heat!). I signed up over a month ago before this heat wave and thank goodness, my skill level will be tomorrow morning 9 - 11:30. My daughter's level will be the same but on Saturday. Sure glad I don't have those afternoon times as we are expecting high temperatures 95 - 100 this weekend. At least you have the choice of sleeping in the loft or downstairs. Hoping you get some relief soon. Your basil looks happy! I've never heard of the elephant bush plants. I'll look them up!


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