24 August 2020

Paris from on high

I've put together a short slideshow using some other photos of Paris landmarks that I took in April 2002. I wonder why I ever stopped using the camera I took them with. It was a Canon Pro90-IS that had a long zoom along with good image stabilization that made it possible to take long-zoom shots without using a tripod. I think I stopped using it because it was a big, heavy camera, and I wanted a compact camera I could carry in a shirt or jacket pocket. A few years ago I donated it to the Emmaüs charity organization.

Anyway, here are the photos of some iconic Paris landmarks.

The landmarks, in case you don't recognize them, are, in order:

la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris (1.5 miles NE of Montparnasse)
l'église Saint-Eustache (aux Halles)
le Panthéon (au Quartier Latin)
la basilique du Sacré-Coeur (à Montmartre, 3.3 miles north of Montparnasse)
l'église du Dôme (aux Invalides)
l'église Saint-Sulpice (near Montparnasse and St-Germain-des-Prés)

I'd really like to be able to go to Paris and go up to the top of the Tour Montparnasse on a sunny day to take some photos of Notre-Dame. The cathedral was badly damaged by fire 18 months ago. Maybe I'll be able to go to Paris next year....


  1. Very nice slideshow. Lot of churches!

    1. Merci, CHM. I was thinking the same thing about all the churches. That's France, I guess.

    2. Religious architecture bears witness to the evolution of styles through the ages and is more spectacular than civil architecture in many cases.

  2. I bet someone is still enjoying that heavy camera. It will be a while before Notre Dame looks good again.

  3. Thanks for these reminders. Speaking of churches, have you been to Notre Dame de Travail in the 14th? It is very interesting and very different.

    1. BettyAnn, Notre-Dame du Travail was built by l'abbé Roger Soulange-Bodin, formerly curé of Saint-Honoré d'Eylau, on place Victor-Hugo. He was educated at Collège Stanislas in Paris and was a condisciple of my father's. TMI?

    2. I think his grandfather, Étienne Soulange-Bodin, a famous horticulturist, developped the saucer magnolia magnolia soulangeana that you can see all over the place in the Eastern US. One of the first blooming trees in the spring.


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