29 May 2023

May in Paris

I remember when I used to go to Paris. In May of 2014, for example. If I remember correctly, I went to Paris to spend one night. I stayed with CHM at his apartment. I went out for a walk and took these photos in his neighborhood, near the Institut Pasteur and the église du Dôme (aux Invalides) on May 30. That'll be nine years ago tomorrow. I don't think I've ever posted these photos before, but I have published many others taken in other years around this same area. It's the area of the 15th arrondissement that borders on the 7th, not far from two major Paris landmarks, la tour Eiffel and la tour Montparnasse. I've never lived in that neighborhood, but I almost feel like I once did because I spent so much time there starting in the year 2000. My last trip to Paris was in 2019. It was a one-nighter on my way to North Carolina to see friends and family. It so happens that that was my last trip to N.C. I don't know when or if I'll ever go back (but you never know for sure, do you?).


  1. The statue of Pasteur stands on what was the Grenelle’s Artesian well. It is now in another location feeding a public indoor swimming pool. Here a link in French with a photo of the structure of the artesian well demolished in 1903.

  2. I always wanted to see Pasteur's lab. At our age there are lots of things we don't know for sure lol. Travel gets harder but still worth it.

  3. Don’t let age take over, Ken, plan a trip to NC.
    We are still traveling at ages 77 and 82.

    1. You’re right BA. I was traveling to France and back at age 94 yo!

    2. Travel is easier when you live just a short taxi ride from the airport in Paris and are going to a house you own in Arlington which is also just a short taxi ride from the airport on the American side. Living out here in the country complicates things, not to mention going to a small town that is hours from a big airport on the U.S. side. Friends and family members always used to say that I had wanderlust and just loved to travel. Actually, I never enjoyed traveling by airplane, but I didn't have much choice because I always wanted to be in France, and there was really only one way to get here. J'y suis et j'y reste maintenant.

    3. Et je devrais ajouter : on ne peut pas être et avoir été.

    4. I think he difference between us, Ken, is that I always see la Vie en rose as Édith Piaf would say, being an optimistic person whereas you definitely are pessimistic!

  4. It is such a pleasure to see les Invalides and la statue de Pasteur, it feels as if I were home again. I have lived with them almost all my life, Here, I have to be pessimistic because I’ll never be back to France, only in the form of ashes. You have to be realistic sometimes!


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