28 April 2021

New growth

I'm seeing a lot more new growth on the vines out in the vineyard now. I was surprised a couple of weeks ago, when the morning temperatures were at or even below freezing, that the people who own and tend the vineyard didn't set out bougies anti-gel (smudge pots) or burn bales of straw around the edges of the vulnerable vineyard parcels to ward off the cold. I understand now that their strategy must have been to let this year's first set of leaf buds freeze because it was early in the season and the grapevines would have time to start over again. And they have. Here are some close-ups of the new leaves that have appeared on the vines.

Unfortunately, weather forecasts for the next 10 days call for morning lows in the mid-30s F (as low as 3ºC) and chilly afternoons... We won't be taking our tomato and zucchini seedlings out of the greenhouse for a while yet. I might get my kale planted, though. Kale isn't much bothered by cold weather.


  1. I like these posts with different photos or angles of the same thing, flower or leaf, so you can compare.
    The funt size in today's post is smaller than yesterday'su. Any reason why? iNew improved?

    1. On the 5th photo there is a caterpillar eating (?) the leaf.

    2. Je ne suis pas sûr de voir une difference entre le texte d'hier et le texte d'aujourd'hui. Sais-tu que, selon le balladeur que tu utilises, tu peux le paramétrer pour agrandir la police? Firefox et Chrome offre cette possibilité. Tu choisis la taille minimum des caractères affichés par le balladeur. Alors ton texte restera au moins à la taille que tu veux, même si l'auteur du site ou du blog voulait t'imposer des caractères plus petits. Regarde dans les options ou settings du baladeur.

    3. Here is what the Apple setting says:
      Apps that support Dynamic Type will adjust to your prefered reading size.
      I had already set it high a long time ago, but today I set it at the maximum!
      Apart from Duckduckgo, which is my regular browser, I tried to open your post in Safari, Chrome, Puffin and Fox. No change whatsoever.
      I prepared this comment in Notes and the type became enormous. Why does it not work on your text?
      Whatever the browser I check, not one offers the option you're talking about! ???

    4. Chrome > Settings > Accessibility > Text scaling

    5. I don't know where and hoe to find those settings in Chrome.

    6. The vine owners have a lot of knowledge. Hoping for no more frosts there.

    7. CHM, since I use Windows, Firefox, Android, and Blogger, and you use iOS, MacOS, and DuckDuckGo, I can't be of much help.

  2. Merci pour le leçon de vocabulaire (le balladeur et la police).

  3. Two new words: le balladeur et la police. (I found baladeur but not balladeur so I’m wondering if I have the right definition.). Thanks. And the new growth on the vines looks good, fingers crossed for warmer temperatures.

  4. I think it should be baladeur and I'm not even sure the term is used to mean "browser" these days. Navigateur seems to be the current term. French continues to evolve.

  5. Hooray for Ma Nature and regeneration. Here's to a huge and healthy crop in the vineyards.


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