26 January 2021

Barnyard birds in the Dordogne

One of the things I enjoy about the short road trips we take (when we can) is being close to animals that we don't see up close around here very often. Even though we live in the country — we see dogs, cats, deer, rabbits, various songbirds, woodpeckers, herons, hawks, and even badgers — we don't often see chickens, geese, or peacocks. I took these pictures on a historic farm outside Sarlat, where we could walk among the birds.


  1. Geese are said to be nasty, but "do geese see god" ?bbg

  2. Tu as palindromé ! C'est quoi, bbg ?

    1. Tu sais, quand on navigue une tablette au lit, un tas de choses amusantes se passent. Pour le bbg, j'ai dû involontairement appuyer sur ces deux lettres avant publier le commentaire.

    2. Ésope reste ici et se repose.
      A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!

    3. If I'm not mistaken and if I recall correctly, at the Hot Shopes Cafeteria, they used to give you a small paper on which short stories, palindromas, quizzes or the like were printed for the enjoyment of the customers.

  3. This was a fun collection of photos :)

  4. There was a tornado in Birmingham last night. I hope Evelyn and Lewis are Okay.

    1. Thanks for thinking about us, CHM. The tornado was about 15 or 20 miles away. It did a lot of damage and killed one person. It was 70 degrees here yesterday. When it gets that warm in January we have come to expect tornadoes.

    2. Glad you're safe an sound Evelyn. Keep it that way! Fifteen or twenty miles is still awfully close for that kind of thing!

  5. That peacock is beautiful. And the little ducks so cute. Nice pictures.

  6. It’s fun to see country critters.

  7. Isn't amazing that the little wings on the young birds grow into the vehicles for flight? Love today's photos.


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