16 November 2019

A wedge and a circle

I'm just really enjoying this new/used Sony camera. With its so-called "one-inch" sensor, which is much, much larger that the sensors in my Panasonic camera's sensors, the photos I'm taking are so different from all the ones I've taken before.

Since the pecan... errr, walnut... pie post yesterday elicited a lot of opinions, here's a Sony slice of it.

The same morning when I made the walnut pie, I also made the above for lunch. Can you tell what it is?

Hope you enjoy your Saturday. It's raining here... so what else is new?


  1. At first sight, it looks like a gratin dauphinois, but looks could be deceiving. It could also be pommes de terre savoyardes. Or any kind of potato dish!

  2. I don't know what you are making but it looks good. As for the rain try 50 mile an hour wind with it.

    1. Sorry to hear about the wind. Temps here about 40, but no wind. Just damp. Walking the dog is a chore.

  3. Could it be truffade? Both dishes look so yummy!

    1. No, not truffade. But truffade is a really good idea.

  4. Aucune idée, mais je dirais que c'est qqch de gratiné :) (Obviously LOL)

    Those closeup photos are really good!

  5. Cauliflower and queso? Looks tempting...

    1. I thought about cauliflower gratin (one of my all time favorite), but didn't notice any floret. I should have magnified the photo and see on the right something that could be a floret. is it so?

  6. Testing to see if i can comment

  7. Well, I had part of the answer right. My guess was mac and cheese.
    The pictures with that new camera are remarkably sharp and clear.


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