17 July 2024

Le château de la Chapelle-d'Angillon

La Chapelle-d'Angillon — pronounced [ã-zhi-lõ], with the nasal A and the nasal O as well as -ll- prononced as L — is a village of some 600 souls located approximately 30 km north of Bourges and 30 km northwest of Sancerre, and 75 km east of Saint-Aignan, on the eastern edge of the Sologne.

The château there was built starting in the 1100s (it's le donjon that dates back that far). The town and the region didn't become part of the kingdom of France until 1766, 25 years before the 18th century French Revolution. One of the most prominent families of the area were named Sully. Two Sully brothers were archbishops (of Paris and of Bourges) during medieval times. Another Sully was king Henri IV's finance minister in t/he late 1500s and early 1600s. His château is on the Loire just 50 km north.

The body of water next to the château is un étang (an artificial lake), of which there are hundreds in the forested Sologne region, as in the Brenne.


  1. Ah, and with the less common use of brick.

  2. I would not have guessed it is pronounced "ã-zhi-lõ" I would have said "ann-gee-lawn" - that said, quite an attractive château.

  3. Hi. It’s Eleanor. I don’t have a url, but Anonymous don’t do it! Rejoining your wonderful blog. Will ping Walt too. I haven’t seen you on TV on Paris just now. Raining big-time again.


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