30 July 2024

Maisons à Mennetou-sur-Cher, etc. (4)

The high temperature predicted for Saint-Aignan today is 37ºC, according to Accuweather.com. That is human body temperature, 98.6ºF. Yesterday afternoon, it was about 32ºC up in the loft. Summer waited until almost August to get here this year. It has now arrived.

The pictures here are some I took nearly 20 years ago in the medieval village of Mennetou-sur-Cher, about 20 miles east of Saint-Aignan on the banks of the Cher river.


  1. Those big stone gates are something else!
    It is going to be close to, or above, 100°F here today and tomorrow. Yuck.

  2. Better late than never. The Olympics are so much fun to watch this year. The French guy who won his swimming event spoke very good English and lots of crowd support.

    1. Apparently he lives in the States and trains in Texas with Michael Phelps' old coach. Nice to see the French doing well in these games. And the chatter over diver Jules Bouyer's swim suit was fun too, lol.


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