11 July 2024

Brenne photos

Even in the Brenne, there's always a château or two.

I don't really know if these are two photos of the same château, or of two different châteaux.

There's also a lot of wildlife. Damsel flies, for example...

...and frogs. Green ones.

And there are of course some people, too, enjoying the wild life outdoors.

And some nice houses to admire.

P.S. I had a lot of trouble getting yesterday's post to work right. I had to re-do it this morning, and it still didn't work. I couldn't enlarge the photos, and my sidebar disappeared. I've fixed it now. Problem is, in the process I lost the comments some of you had left on the post. Sorry about that. I apologize.


  1. I don't think you lost comments.... I wasn't able to leave a comment, which is most unusual!
    And the pictures of the chateau are the same from different angles... the first is from near the Maison du Parc and the second from Etang de la Mer Rouge... love the Brenne, that is why we live here!

  2. These photos make me wish I were in France today. You caught the old men in a happy moment.

  3. Ahhhh, that water and green frog photo is the best!
    In my comment yesterday, I asked how your eyesight was coming along. I hope all is well!

    1. My eyes and vision haven't changed, despite the cataract surgery on the right eye in June. I'm also having a lot of pollen allergy symptoms right now, and they affect my sinuses and eyes. I'll be curious to see how things evolve after the cataract surgery on the left eye in early September.

  4. Great pic of the frog. Cute little guy.

  5. Mary in Oregon11 July, 2024 23:12

    I am thoroughly amused to see your collection of photos from your french travels, Ken! With each photo, I am right there, looking out the car window, or, maybe, lucky enough to be walking down the street seeing what you have photographed! Lucky you!!! Wish I was there, too!!!

    1. Thanks, Mary. I really enjoy armchair tourism too, especially since I don't have CHM to tour around France with.

  6. Mary in Oregon12 July, 2024 21:17

    The two of you managed to experience so much with the photos you've shared...I'm sure the conversations will be with you, for a long time, but you will always be able to return to the photos to remind you of your explorations throughout the country.


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