16 July 2024

Lunch in Vailly-sur-Sauldre

On June 3, 2015, Charles-Henry and I had lunch in a little hôtel/restaurant in the village of Vailly north of Sancerre and not far from Jars. Here's some of what we ate and drank. The only thing I forgot to take a picture of was our main course. I remember that I had a steak, and I think Charles-Henry might have had the same thing. The first course was a slice of pâté en croûte de canard, with some salad greens. We ordered red wine in a carafe.

The table set for five was not ours. On the right you can see the menu for the day. The choices include porc, steak (faux filet is sirloin), and chicken. We ordered a dessert, which I think was what's called une île flottante or floating island (sweet meringue with a vanilla custard) instead of having cheese, followed by un café. My memory of the meal is that everything was very good.


  1. This place looks great. How wonderful that you have pictures of that memory. The pate looks perfect. I love Ile Flottante though its pretty rich.

  2. I've eaten many good meals sitting in light weight comfy chairs like the ones in the first photo.


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