03 July 2024

An outage and two plants

I got up at five this morning, as usual. I noticed that the lights on our fiber optic router weren't right. Instead of of three orange lights shining brightly, I saw only one orange light and one bright white light blinking on and off. I sat here wondering what to do. When the router stops working, not only is our internet out, but so is our telephone. And then suddenly, at 6:30 a.m., everything started working normally again. So here I am, back on line.

And here is my photo for today.

This is a Chinese money plant or, if you prefer, Pilea peperomioides. One French name for it is plante du missionnaire. My friend Evelyn brought it to me from the U.S. three years ago. I thank her; the plant is doing great. The other plant in the picture, on the left, is a succulent called a burrow's tail or donkey tail, Sedum morganianum. It's called une queue d'âne in French, among other names. I brought a little piece of it to France from the U.S. years ago, and I now have it growing in four or five pots. It's thriving.


  1. You are so good with plants, Ken. Our cat tries to destroy my money plant every year when I bring it in for the winter. It's been three years now since we were together. I'm really looking forward to seeing the Olympics soon.

  2. Oh, I noticed that Sedum plant on Walt’s blog’s sidebar, recently, and wondered about it. Great looking plant :)

  3. That money plant is quite attractive. Don't know that I've seen one before.


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