04 September 2021

Le château de Meillant

Today I'm going south about 120 miles from Fontainebleau to the Château de Meillant, in France's old Berry Province. CHM and I stopped at Meillant to see the place in June 2009, on one of our day trips. It's just about 90 minutes from Saint-Aignan by car. The Château de Meillant was built as a medieval fortress and then transformed into a Renaissance residence. The family that lives there now has owned the château for 200 years and they give guided tours of the building (Covid19 permitting).


  1. This is beautiful. Great photos. This tower is so ouvragée. Incredible!

    1. ...memory lane. Was it the same day we had this delicious foie de veau at the tavern in Bourges?

  2. Stunning Renaissance decoration! I often wonder about the families that manage to consistently hold these châteaux for centuries - no doubt a source of great pride, but perhaps also the cause of much family strife.

  3. I like it, I could see myself living there, I'd need an elevator with my aging knees and hips.

  4. So many interesting places to visit in France!

  5. I just looked at your 2009 post about Meillant and was époustoufflé at the sharpness of the lion in the photo of mine you kindly posted when you remember the distance of the two of us, that is the lion and me! I loved my Lumix!!!


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