28 September 2021

Culan colors

I thought the colors in the stone with which the Château de Culan was built were stunning. I haven't been able to find any information about it. It must have been quarried locally back in the 1200s. I also haven't found any information about the tapestry that is pictured in the large image below. I know that there are Aubusson tapestries in the château, and I'm pretty sure  this one was made in Aubusson, a famous town just 40 miles south of Culan.

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  1. If I’m not mistaken, this tapestry depicts grape-growing and wine-making. Grapes, as seen on the left, were foot-treaded as done the old way.

    1. Do you remember seeing the tapestry at Culan? If so, do you remember if it was labeled as Aubusson, with a date. I think it was Aubusson 18th century, but my memory sometimes plays tricks on me.

    2. My memory is like yours! I don’t recall going inside. Do you have any pictures of mine inside?

    3. No, I don't see any indoor pictures among yours. I think I just stepped inside briefly and took one photo.

  2. A magnificent chateau. You've brought out the stone colors so nicely in those closeups. Interesting how the stakes in the vineyard of the tapestry are so talll!

  3. It seems that the 16th century original tapestry from Flanders and called Les Vendanges is located in Musée de Cluny in Paris.

    1. There seem to be dozens, scores, maybe hundreds of tapestries at the Musée de Cluny called Venganges of one place or thing or another. I haven't yet found one that looks like the tapestry at Culan. Have you?

    2. Yes. Just google Les vendanges musée de Cluny

  4. I love the way you displayed all of these photos, Ken -- the colors pop out nicely, next to the stone.
    chm, are you saying that this tapestry is not the original, then?

    1. What I’m saying, Judy, is that a 16th century Flanders tapestry looking exactly like this one is located in musée de Cluny.

    2. From what I gathered on the net, copies of the original (musée de Cluny) were made in part or in its entirety in Flanders and in Aubusson.

  5. The stone colors are beautiful. CHM is a sleuth to find the tapestry for us. Fingers crossed that blogger likes me today.

  6. The tapestry is still beautiful, with the colors crisp. Beautiful detail. A Metropolitan Museum article I found on their tapestries said that at that time it could take a month to weave a square yard.

    1. Thanks for the link Ken. Enjoyed seeing that copy and the price, so inexpensive.

    2. When I posted about this tapestry back in 2009, not long after going to Culan with CHM, I wrote that the tapestry was from Aubusson and had been made in the 18th century. I didn't document that assertion, but I assume it was based on information I gathered at Culan.

  7. Agreed that the colors of the stone are remarkable. As is the tapestry. Are you sure that's not depicting you and Walt out in the vineyard?


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