08 September 2021

Vitraux de la cathédrale St-Étienne de Bourges [1]

French-language Wikipédia says:

« La cathédrale de Bourges ne possède pas un ensemble de vitraux du XIIe et XIIIe siècles équivalent à celui de la cathédrale de Chartres, mais elle possède des vitraux du XIIIe jusqu'au XVIIe siècle permettant de voir l'évolution de cet art. Les vitraux de la cathédrale de Bourges sont en partie faits au XIIIe siècle. Au XVIe siècle furent ajoutés
de nouveaux vitraux réalisés par l'artiste berruyer Jean Lecuyer.

I took a lot of photos of stained glass windows that June day in 2008 when CHM and I walked around inside the church. It was a beautiful day, bright and sunny, so the light was good. I don't know much about individual windows,
so I'm just posting enlargeable photos of the windows in the order in which I took them.






  1. First, for people who don’t know, but might have guessed, a berruyer is a person native to Berry, including Bourges.
    These stained-glass windows are spectacular. I suppose that #1, 2 and 4 are telling events in the life and death of Saint Stephen, but I don’t know anything about him. I wonder what #7 is telling us. The other windows are more complicated, but still beautiful. Did I say that the photos are excellent?

    1. #3 seems to be a congregation of angels. The overall effect is very bright in color, with a dominating red one.

    2. My favorite is #4, not because it is gruesome, but because of the simple composition and the great variety of colors. An interesting detail, the sword is still tainted with the blood of the previous victims in this mass execution. Very realistic.

    3. Weather conditions — bright sun — were perfect for photographing stained-glass that day. And the Lumix TZ3 was a great camera.

    4. I do agree, and the Lumix was great. Too bad my sensor went bad. Anyway, I could not use it any longer. Soon, I’ll have an iPhone, with the same phone number, if I need to take pictures.

    5. Glad to hear you are getting an iPhone, CHM. I often take photos of things I see online and send them to friends in addition to normal picture taking.

  2. Wow, you capture stained-glass windows so well, Ken!

  3. Such detail! Great photos, Ken.

  4. The stained glass does compare to Chartres. My favorite is the long one.


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