15 August 2021

L'Église Saint-Pierre à Tonnerre

Today is Sunday, this Sunday in France is a holiday. It's called L'Assomption — L'Assomption de Marie, in its long form. In Catholic tradition, the mother of Jesus was taken directly to Heaven by God once her life on Earch was finished. The French Wikipédia article about the holiday, which always falls on August 15, says there is no Biblical foundation for the belief, it has been celebrated by Catholics since the 8th century. August 15 is the day on which the first church dedicated to Marie was consacrated, in Jerusalem.



This post and these photos don't have to do with the mother of Jesus, but with St. Peter (saint Pierre). That's who the church in Tonnerre, located on a rocky spur overlooking the town, is dedicated to. L'Église Saint-Pierre de Tonnerre was built starting in the 9th century and was greatly altered over the centuries. Then, in 1556, a fire almost completely destroyed the old church. It was re-built. The façade is in the Baroque style. It was from the top of the hill on which Saint-Pierre stands that I took the photos of the rooftops of Tonnerre that I posted a few days ago.


  1. Strangely enough, I don’t recall seeing that church at al. But, of course, the Fosse Dionne took all my attention. The last time I was in Tonnerre you were five years old!

    1. I can't believe there was church you didn't see!

    2. I was equally surprised at chm’s comment!

    3. I just googled that church and I don’t know how I could have missed it!

  2. I especially like that door handle :)

    1. Are you the one who has been rubbing that man's nose?

  3. Thanks for telling me about the Assumption of Mary. It always surprises me how the French still celebrate this religious stuff without being religious. The men in the 8th century must have wanted women's inclusion. My father often quoted Peter who said "on this rock I built my church." I think that's why Peter's name in French is the same as "rock". So much for my Sunday rambles.

    1. Evelyn, was it this, “Tu es Petrus et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam.” ?

    2. Yes, Matthew 6:18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.


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