26 July 2024

Mennetou-sur-Cher: hemmed in or opened up?

Mennetou-sur-Cher, pop. approx. 900), is located not only on the Cher river but also on the Canal de Berry. The canal no longer carries commercial traffic, but is a recreational feature.

The pictures above are some that I took in December 2004. Between the old town of Mennetou and the canal there's what used to be a main road but no longer carries a lot of heavy traffic. A new east-west autoroutewas built just a few miles north about a decade ago and carries truck traffic now.

Mennetou is also on an east-west rail line that connects cities including Nantes, Angers, Tours, Vierzon, Paris, Bourges, and Lyon. This is a photo I took the first time I went there, in October 2000. I'm afraid I haven't been back there since the covid pandemic. I need to go see how much Mennetou has changed over the years.


  1. I'm excited about seeing the Olympics starting today!

    1. We watched lot of the opening ceremonies last night, and a lo tof the gymnastics this morning.


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