22 April 2024

The village cemetery (1)

Tomorrow I'll be going somewhere I don't go very often. It's our village cemetery. I've been there a few times for funerals — three times, I think, in 20 years. Two neighbors and a friend. Tomorrow our friend and neighbor Bernard will be buried there.

The village we live in borders on the town of Saint-Aignan, but with a population of about 1,200, it's only one third the size of its larger neighbor. Neither is very big, obviously, but our village has never been bigger than it is right now.


  1. Ken, what does the "en déroute" following, "... par l'Armée Allemande..." mean? I looked it up, but I still am not sure what the context is here.
    May your friend Bernard rest in peace.

    1. The German forces were beating a disorderly retreat in 1944. They were shooting people more or less randomly as they retreated. The CNTRL dictionary says déroute is a Fuite en désordre de troupes battues ou prises de panique.

  2. Were the Germans retreating when they killed 7 members of la Commune (does that mean your town)? I hate that war like the one in 1944 is happening today. I hope your day is one of celebration and peace.

    1. Yes, the commune is the administrative term for a village, town, or city. Communes have a mayor and a town council.

  3. Noting the prevalence of mums - I'd heard they were a sympathy flower in France, not something to bring to a dinner party.

    1. Yes, mums are the main cemetery flower in France. People don't give them as gifts.


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