11 April 2024

April flowers (2)

I have a lot of fun combing through my photo archives to see what I can find. I often look month by month; right now I'm looking at April photos I've taken over the years. And sharing them, sometimes for the third or fourth time. According to Blogger's blog statistics page, yesterday my blog got 3,011 "hits" or views. And the total hits for March came to 97,985. I find those numbers unbelievable. Maybe I'm misreading them. Anyway... Hello, everybody!


  1. Hello Ken, I’m not surprised, I enjoy your post every day. Weather up and down here in Châtillon, summer, then spring, then winter, but it looks like spring is back today. Hope the sun shines on you.

    1. Yesterday it didn't rain. The ground is now drying out, and Walt was able to do some mowing yesterday afternoon.

  2. Oh, I do enjoy your flower photos, Ken!

  3. So glad people are enjoying the information and entertainment you give us.

  4. So many hidden readers! They know an interesting blog with great information and photos when they find it!


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