26 April 2024

Our village (1)

These are some photos I took in our village when we first moved here. That was in June 2003. The village has a population of nearly 1,200 people. These days, it's sort of a suburb of Saint-Aignan, in the sense that the only retail store in the village is a bakery. There's also a hair salon. There's a garage that repairs cars and sells used cars. And there's a post office that's open five mornings a week. There's also a lending library. And there are wineries where you can buy boxes or bottles of local wines. Saint-Aignan (pop. 3,000) is less than 5 miles away with many more businesses, including hotels, restaurants, banks, insurance companies, doctor's offices, etc. Blois, a small city, is 25 miles north. Our village has its own mayor, who is one of our neighbors.

According to Wikipédia, the village has a land area of about 12 mi² and it is on the left (south) bank of the Cher River, which is 365 km long (225 miles). The village church is dedicated to saint Martin de Tours.


  1. I didn't know the Cher was so long. It's nice to have a post office nearby.

    1. I think I got that wrong, Evelyn. I believe I heard that the Cher was one of the longest rivers in France, or read it recently. But some research says that's not true. The Cher is no. 15 on the list of rivers by length. It flows for 365 km (almost 230 miles) from central France to the point near Tours where it merges with the Loire. Now where did I hear or read that erroneous statement about it being one of the longest rivers in France?

  2. Ken, no, I think about it, I don’t remember… My sister Doug and I came in 2017, was that sent that we were in, at our gîte? The little town that we walked around in, that was Centennial and not your village? Now I’m thinking, darn it, I would have liked to have gone down the street in your village and realized where I was! Ha! I just get in the car and let whoever is driving and get me where I’m going and I don’t always know what’s around me :-)

    1. Judy, I think your comment got garbled somehow. Did you walk around in Saint-Aignan? Our village is called Mareuil.

    2. Oh, my heavens, Ken, I did my message voice-to-text, and WHAT A MESS it came out... hilarious. I'll explain in Saturday's comments.


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