14 April 2024

April flowers (4)

It's very warm here this morning. Our outdoor thermometer, located in a shady spot on the north wall of the house, says it's 14.4ºC (58ºF) right now. The high this afternoon will be 23, Accuweather says. That's between 73 and 74ºF. That's very warm by our standards, but it's not supposed to last. We are expecting highs around 15ºC (below 60ºF) starting tomorrow.

Meanwile, we enjoyed spending time sitting out on the front terrace yesterday afternoon. In the morning, Walt was able to do a lot more mowing out in the yard yesterday. He's taming the beast. These are photos I took in late April of 2009, which was pretty mild compared to this April so far.


  1. Ahhh, it makes me smile to think of you and Walt and Tasha sitting out there enjoying the lovely terrace you have. Isn't spring and summer a great time? I'm happy for you to be seeing these flowers, too, and thinking about your upcoming veggie garden.
    We're expecting an unusually warm day today... currently (at 10 a.m.) 75° F, and headed to 87°F! Crazy for APRIL!

  2. William Schmitt15 April, 2024 03:01

    Was looking at wine terriors, and he mentioned the bistro comptoir archimede, Have you heard or gone to it?


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