05 April 2024

More sea creatures in Montrichard

Well, the rain didn't materialize yesterday — at least not here in Saint-Aignan. But it was gloomy for most of the day, and unusually warm late in the afternoon (in the low 60s F). It's supposed to be above 70F most of the day today. And then turn chilly again, and cloudy with showers all next week. Sorry to harp on this, but I for one am feeling worn down by this kind of weather.


  1. All so fresh and so colorful :)
    You know, spring always seems to come in like this... up and down temperatures, fits of rain, days of sun, back and forth. I like to think of it as spring just pushing in, trying to get hold of things and take over... we get to sit on the sidelines and cheer her efforts on :) Kind of like cheering on a mother nature giving birth. Ha! It helps keep my attitude positive, if I think of it that way.

    1. I like your thoughts, Judith! Spring is a rebirthing and births are usually difficult. Some sunshine goes a long way and I think those gloomy days in long stretches are hard on us. The Spring changes are beautiful here but it's still chilly many days.

  2. Mary in Oregon05 April, 2024 20:25

    It takes a lot of patience to get through March and often parts of April! Your fish photos are colorful! Sun is streaming through my windows at the moment! Wish I could send some your way (notice, I said 'moment'!).


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