22 May 2024

Pineapple upside-down cake

Yesterday morning I made a pineapple upside-down cake for our afternoon dessert. Here's a link to a post about such a cake that includes a recipe. Instead of pineapple rings, I used a can of pineapple chunks that I had bought out of curiosity. They and the cake turned out to be excellent. Bon appétit !


  1. Haven't seen pineapple chunks for aeons.... always cut the rings up in the tin. It is even longer since I've seen a tin of pineaple bits which, when drained, are perfect for mixing in with fromage blanc or chevre frais... the two closest things to cottage cheese.

    1. I'm not sure what it is that you call cottage cheese in your part of the world. Does it have curds? Or is it blended and smooth?

    2. Curds, not whipped up smooth... it was usually made at home from curdled milk and a muslin cloth...
      so fromage blanc and very fresh chevre are close enough.
      Standard mixers were as said, pineapple bits..... or chives, chopped up apricots, chopped up pear or apple...

    3. You can buy actual cottage cheese in some branches of Intermarché eg at Yzeures. Very good it is, too.
      It makes an excellent lunch when spread onto crispbread with Marmite - I kid you not!!
      I have made pineapple upside down cake with pineapple chunks, usually because I couldn't get any rings. Yours looks divine!

  2. I’m glad the chunks worked well… it certainly looks scrumptious.

  3. One of my favorite cakes- the chunks are a great idea.

  4. I need a slice of that this morning to go with my coffee.

  5. Mary in Oregon22 May, 2024 23:09

    Looks scrumptious, Ken! Thanks for the suggestion, Diogenes! I would like a slice with my afternoon coffee!


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