28 May 2024

May 2008: spider webs, etc.

Look at the size of this spider web (toile d'araignée) that I saw out near our garden shed.

Meanwhile, If all goes well tomorrow, friends of ours from Boston and Paris will be visiting us for the afternoon. They are taking the train from Paris to Blois, where I'll go meet them. More about the friends and the visit later this week. I hope the weather cooperates.


  1. Fingers crossed for good weather!

    1. So far today, we've had only a little drizzle. But it's chilly outside. We'll see about tomorrow.

  2. Oh I hope you get nice weather! Loving those red roses.

  3. That spider web is WILD.
    I'm excited for you to have some guests! The Pandemic really put a kink in so many plans over the past few years.


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