27 May 2024

16 years ago this week

I'm going to finish up this month of May by posting some photos I took in a past month of May — 16 years ago this week — around our hamlet and out in the Renaudière vineyard. I can't believe it's been that long, because my memories of that month of May are so vivid. It was a rainy week, and we couldn't plant our vegetable garden until early June because the soil was too wet.
I won't post a weather map today. I'll just tell you the afternoon is supposed to be rainy in this part of France. Rain is predicted for tomorrow too, and especially heavy rain on Wednesday. Oh, and on a cheerier note, yesterday was a beautiful warm, sunny day!


  1. I'm so glad that you had a lovely day yesterday! These are beautiful photos to get to see.
    Here in St. Louis, we had a heavy rain, heavy wind, big hail, strong storm for a while last night... tornado detected northwest of us, but I don't think it touched down. Spring storms, you know!

    1. That hail was something. I hope you didn't have serious damage.

    2. It was really nice.

  2. So happy you had a beautiful, sunny day yesterday!


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