13 May 2024

Le château de Saint-Aignan


I took about 20 years worth of photos in Saint-Aignan on one day in May 2017. There are more than 350 of them, all taken exactly 7 years ago today. Here are some photos of the Château de Saint-Aignan, the main part of which was built in the 15th century, during the French Renaissance, Other parts of it, mostly ruins, date back to the year 1000 and others only to the 19th century.

I heard an interesting statistic on Télématin a few minutes ago. Do you know many restaurants there are in France? Two hundred thousand. It seems also that fewer and fewer people as a percentage of the population eat in restaruants on a regular basis. Younger people, especially, don't eat at traditional mealtimes, and they eat a lot of street food.


  1. That must have been a fine May day back in 2017. These photos are very nice.

    1. I had forgotten these photos of the château until I found them by accident a few days ago.

  2. A lovely chateau. I wonder if it will ever be open to the public.

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if the next generation of owners opened up the château to the public one way or another. The woman who still lives in the place doesn't seem to want to do that.

    2. Thanks, Ken. I was thinking too that the upkeep of the chateau must be a burden.


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