05 May 2024

This morning, more rain

This is what the weather radar map for France looks like this morning. I've put a red dot on the map showing where Saint-Aignan is located in relation to cities like Tours and Paris.

It was raining when I let Tasha out pour faire son pipi at 5 a.m. Then at about 6 a.m. there was a heavy shower that lasted 15 or 20 minutes. Now it has slacked off again, but it's still raining. There will probably be no morning excursion down to the outdoor market in Saint-Aignan today. That's okay though, because yesterday Walt went to the outdoor market in Montrichard and did our shopping there for the weekend.

I just glanced at the radar map again and the rain seems to be stationary for the time being. It's raining down near Limoges, at the headwaters of the Cher river, and there's a dark green blob headed that way. The danger from that is flooding along the Cher when the water comes flowing down toward us. It can't possibly soak into the ground, which is completely saturated after months and months of rain. Stay tuned.


  1. Ken, it is absolutely psyling it down here... stair-rods, cats and dogs, tables and chairs, chairlegs... whatever part of the UK you come from there will be a word or phrase to describe really heavy rain.... "psyling it down" was the one I grew up with.
    Sirius, our "I'd rather be outside" cat keeps looking out the back door if I let him... and returning to the back of the settee... he won't go into the barn either, because when I open the firedoor between, he can hear the rain on the corrugated iron roof of the attached hangar.
    Wet isn't the word!! Sopping, soggy are better!!

  2. Oh, dear! Fingers crossed for some dry, sunny weather for you soon.

    1. It's incredible. If it weren't spring we wouldn't have so much to do outdoors that now must go undone.


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