03 May 2024

En mai, il y a 20 ans

These are some photos I took in May 2004, just a year after we came to live here. I was using a Kodak DC4800 camera back then. The results were good, I think. Flowers, skies, vineyards, and fruit. When we came here, I of course didn't know how long my retirement would last — in other words how long I would live. Anything could have happened...

It didn't rain yesterday, but it was gloomy almost all day. The sun is coming up right now, and I can actually see it! Still, there is a definite chill in the air. Spring has not yet sprung, but things are looking up for next week. As I've always said, you don't come to live in France for the fine weather. You come here for the history and language, the food and drink, the landscapes,  and the old monuments and buildings. I can't imagine ever living elsewhere now. Of course, I've been living here off and on for more than 50 years. It's time for a walk with Tasha.


  1. It is the right place for you, that's for sure.

    1. You know, I miss Paris, but I'm not sure I could live there now, with all the noise and traffic and high prices. I like this home in the country. I wish we could live in a house this size without staircases. Since French property taxes are calculated on the basis of the footprint of the house on the ground, people are incentivized to build upwards, not horizontally. The problem we have is getting older and not doing well on stairs.

  2. I know your walk was good in those beautiful vineyards pictured above.

    1. The walks are good when the weather is good. This morning ,for example, was pretty nice if a little chilly. The ground and the tall grass was very wet, but I wear my waterproof gardening shoes for walks when conditions are like that. Walt just went out for a walk with Tasha. The sun is shining right now, though we had about an hour of rain around lunchtime. Our grass is growing pretty fast again, and we're having problems with the lawnmower. It's always something, isn't it?

  3. Have faith, spring will come.

    1. I was just reading an article in the Washington Post about how much water levels have gone up along the southeast coast from North Carolina, around Florida, and all the way to Texas. I'm not surprised, but I'm still overwhelmed by the numbers. It looks like my home town may go under earlier than I thought it would.

  4. Mary in Oregon03 May, 2024 23:46

    Have you looked at other two-level homes that might have stairs that are more conducive to climbing (not triangular steps at the corner if the stairs turn)? It might be good to have a master on the main floor but other rooms that are optional on the second? I think that will be my next house-type! My stairs are the best, I think, two flights of 7 steps each with a 4'x8' platform inbetween, so If one would fall, it wouldn't be the entire flight. Carpeted steps are also a protection for slipping/falling. They take up a lot of space - that's the negative. We're getting rain now and it will continue until Wednesday. So much for outside chores and sports! Ken - no one can predict the future! Live everyday and hope for more tomorrows. Rain gives all the flowers and blooming trees plenty of water which they need! I love Spring! I would prefer the rain to happen at night l wouldn't that be better?

  5. We put non-slip treads on our narrow, steep steps a few years ago. They are great. And we had a half bath put in upstairs so that we wouldn't have to go downstairs to the bathroom in the dark at night. It's raining here this morning — again!

  6. Mary in Oregon06 May, 2024 00:39

    Thanks for reminding me that you have those non-slips treads now. I have been considering something on that order for my outside steps. I best get on that before next fall.


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