07 November 2020

Sault en Provence

Sault is a hilltop town (or village) about 30 miles northeast of Avignon and Cavaillon — very close to the Mont Ventoux. The population is just 1,400 or so. At its high point in 1850 nearly 3,000 people lived in Sault. The name derives from the Latin term saltus, which means "a mountainous, wooded region" — a wilderness, in other words. Here are some photos I took as we walked around the village.

The economy of Sault and its outskirts is based on agriculture. Farmers grow lavendar and spelt. They produce honey. And they raise sheep and pigs. The local pork is called porc du Ventoux and the hogs are raised outdoors on pastureland, not confined in barns. The open-air market in Sault, which has existed since 1515, sets up on Wednesdays. I'm sure it's very picturesque, as is the whole town.


  1. Never heard of Sault, but I went through Sault Sainte Marie! Back in Provence, this village perché looks very nice and surrounded by acres of lavender as is typical in this region. Thank you for letting me know.

    1. I don't remember why we decided to go to Sault. Maybe I read about it in the Michelin green guide.

  2. We visited one August in the early 90's when they hold a lavander festival. Lovely village.

    1. Walt and I were in Provence in 1993, but I don't remember going to Sault on that trip. I wish we had gone...

  3. That large phone booth in the first photo makes me realize how much things have changed. I used to have a card to use when I made calls- it was a difficult process that I never mastered. The watering trough dates back before my memory of horse drawn carriages, but they are still around unlike the phone booths. Thanks for bringing us Provence, Ken.

  4. Well they called PA for Biden. So:


    Oh Happy Day,the Edwin Hawkins Singers

  5. I'm very happy for all American people & for us & for the rest of the world!

    1. Biden has a lot of pain sur la planche to restore the US standing in the world. And to reunite the country, and that will be probably the hardest, because the deplorables have fallen so low. We can hope to see Trump finish his miserable days in prison for treason.

    2. The streets of Los Angeles were traffic jams of joy. Signs like "Bye Don" and "We grabbed him by the ballot."

  6. A profound sense of relief. And sadness that so many are so ill-informed as to vote for that creature. This clip has celebrations and comments from an assortment of European cities. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/524962-fireworks-in-london-church-bells-in-paris-as-biden-win-celebrated-abroad

    1. Thanks this was great to watch!

  7. Love the Sault pics, I would have bought a pizza!


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