11 September 2024

Le Château d'Amboise, et les rues

Amboise is one of the towns that attracts the most tourists in the Loire Valley. Walt and I thought about living there back in 2002, when we came here to see some houses for sale and see if we could find one we could easily afford. The real estate agent we were working with recommended Saint-Aignan instead, and we found our house here almost immediately.

No regrets, but I still enjoy going to Amboise fairly often just to enjoy the views and the atmosphere.

These, above and below, are some photos I took in Amboise on a gray day in March 20 years ago.


  1. Ken.... "but I still enjoy going to Amboise fairly often just to enjoy the views and the atmosphere"
    Which is probably the best way to enjoy it.... you don't have to put up with living in a tourist destination [and hiked prices]
    My parents lived in a very minor tourist venue and my Dad hated the holiday season.... I made him a T-shirt that said....
    "I'm not a cardboard cutout, I live here!"

  2. Problem is, we do now live in a major tourist destination, being just 3 kms from the ZooParc de Beauval. I hate the summers now, and the major autumn, winter, and springtime holidays. Car traffic is terrible.

  3. Replies
    1. It has really changed in seven years. Still, I have a hard time seeing us leaving.


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