05 September 2024

A clear and sudden change...

...for the better. Here's what happened yesterday. Around noontime, Walt was watching a tennis match on TV. I was vaguely watching too, but also working on my laptop. At some point, I took off the old glasses (my current prescription) I was wearing, to clean the lenses. I glanced at the TV screen. Wow! It was so clear. And so much clearer than it was when I was wearing my glasses. Like a miracle. It's the same this morning.

My eyes and brain must have found the implant that had been inserted into my eyeball 24 hours earlier. Now I can't wait for the next month to go by. I have a final cataract appointment with the eye doctor in October for another checkup. He'll test my vision and give me a new prescription for corrective lenses. I'll rush to the optical shop and get the new lenses, for sure.

Also yesterday, I noticed that if I looked out a window when the sun was shining brightly, my eyes would sort of throb. It wasn't a sharp pain but a dull pain. I hope that won't last much longer. I'm not planning to do any driving until at least next Tuesday.

Today, by the way is my "half birthday" — I'm turning 75½ years old. I'm not as old as the Château de Chaumont-sur-Loire. Far from it. Here's a picture of Chaumont that I took a few years ago.


  1. Happy 75-1/2! This chateau has a lot of curb appeal!

  2. Excellent news on the distant vision!! Very much parallels my experience. After 45 years of extreme myopia, I can now see distances just fine without glasses. I do need glasses for reading, as I think your Dr told you that you would. I can "get by" on the computer, but the glasses really help. I have progressives, which allow me to fritter away hours of useless browsing online. Congrats!! Glad it's looking like a success.


    1. Hey Bryan, I hope I'll be able to get new progressive lenses so that I won't have to be taking one pair of glasses off and putting a different pair on depending on what I'm doing at any given moment.

  3. Glad to hear that worked for you. It's just over a month since I had my cataract removed and the difference was quickly noticed. Everything looked more vibrant: my computer monitors and TV seemed to have been upgraded. The surgeon said that the buildup of yellow pigments in your eyes with age decreases blues in your vision, so the new lens should restore my colour perception to factory settings.

    Also myopic, I now have good distance vision in what was my weaker eye.

    1. Hello Mike, glad to hear from you. Did you have to get new eyeglasses after the cararact removal?

    2. I updated my glasses last year after my retina operation, and they are still working fine. My doctor said to wait two months before reviewing. I suspect I may just need to update one lens in each of my near-glasses

    3. For now, my current (old) prescription glasses are working fine as computer glasses, and I don't need glasses to watch the TV screen. This morning, I took the dog out for her walk and I noticed that everything looked blurry outside. I took off my glasses, and voilà, no more blur at all. That was nice.

  4. That is such good news Ken, very pleased for you. And happy half birthday. :-)

  5. Thanks, Jane. I'm relieved, that's for sure.

  6. I am so glad that your vision is clear. You probably need sunglasses for outside now. After cataracts you get more glare. I'm also glad to know that you are 19 months older than me instead of 18 months. Makes me feel younger than I thought. Ha Ha Ha. Progressive lenses will be good. Love you.

    1. MA always told me it was 19 months. You are eternally young.

  7. Great news. Sunglasses might help.

    1. I just found a pair of sunglasses in a drawer upstairs, and they seem perfect.

  8. Replies
    1. I won't have trouble remembering this day as a happy one, since it's my half birthday.

  9. Congratulations on all fronts!

  10. Nothing like waking up to some Good News! So happy for you vision clarity, Ken! I woke up this morning feeling sick and was sick. Returned to bed until lunchtime and got sick again. Returned to bed. Next time I woke up I though I had set my alarm - it read 5:15. No alarm had been set...that was the real time. Wow, I have never had that experience before. Now I am feeling very weak, but having some saltines with peanut butter, just half of one, now. I will tread litely with the food. Hoping I will be without whatever bug got inside me.

  11. Thanks for the good wishes - they did the trick! I woke up feeling much better On a solid food diet a bit less than normal - but feeling fine! I spoke with three friends who had had catarack surgery here (2 nearby and 1 in Kansas). All reported they could wear their own loose clothing and were given a lightweight disposable jacket to wear over their chests. They were all amazed that you had to totally undress.


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