08 September 2024


What a week this has been! Tomorrow is my follow-up meeting with the ophthalmologiste who operated on my eyes in June and again on September 3. If he says everything is healing normally, as he told me in June, then I won't see him again until October 9, for a vision test and a new prescription for glasses. Meantime, here are a few more detail views of the 15th-century Château de Chaumont, which is a 30-minute drive from Saint-Aignan.


  1. Wow, it must be quite a feeling to suddenly, now, take off your glasses, and see more clearly than with them on.

  2. So glad that you are seeing well.

    1. I am and I'm glad about that.

  3. Yes, I can read. The glasses I've been wearing for the last year or two continuen to give me good close-up vision. I found a 20-year-old pair of prescription sunglasses that I had saved and that do the same and do an even better job on distance vision. I plan to wear those this coming week when I start driving again.

  4. I told you it would all work out and your vision would be very much improved. ;)

  5. Such good news! I'm so happy for you! -- Chrissoup

  6. You are my Poster 'Child' for Cataract Surgery, Ken! Well Done, Doctor. Well Done, Ken!


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