10 September 2024

Le marché d'Amboise (2)

Here are a few more photos that I took at the Sunday morning market in Amboise (Loire Valley). Above, des artichauts, des parts de flan, et des têtes d'ail tressées. Below, des poissons et une paëlla.


I had my follow-up meeting with the ophthalmologist who performed my cataract surgery over the course of the summer. The news was good; he said the right eye is all healed and the left eye appears to be healing nicely. His examination took all of five minutes. We drove an hour up to Blois and an hour back after that five-minute session. Tasha enjoyed the ride. Walt did the driving.


  1. Good to hear all is progressing well after your ops. Glorious market produce, the rainbow trout looks so fresh. We don’t even have a village shop here, but I do lots of home baking most weeks. And a large freezer full of our own grown veg and meat. It’s a good life! Pats🚜

  2. Great news on the eyes. All the better for looking at those wonderful markets.

  3. Great to hear all goes well, Ken!

  4. Great news!

  5. That's great!
    Did you manage to fit in a visit to Asia?

  6. No, no Asian grocery shopping this time. My doctor's appointment was at 12:45 and the Asian grocery was closed for lunch from 12:00 until 3:00.

  7. Thanks, all, for the good wishes.


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