13 November 2023

Fall colors at La Renaudière

Walt just told me it's raining outside. And it's my morning to walk Tasha. Maybe the rain won't last long. Accuweather says it's going to rain between 7 and 8 a.m., but not between 8 and 9 a.m. Yesterday, by the way, we didn't really get any of the rain the Météo-France predicted. Or just a trace: there was a light mist at about 5 p.m., when I took Tasha out. It wasn't enough to get us wet.

Above left is a photo of our house seen from far out in the vineyard. And above right is our border collie Callie who had to be put down in 2017 at the age of 10.

In past years, our four apple trees produced mountains of fruit. We had to compost most of them. That involved a lot of raking. Now we're down to just two trees, and this year we didn't get more than a dozen apples. Above right is another November sky.


  1. You and Walt have been lucky to have had such beautiful and loving dogs in your life, and even though the vineyard is probably not much fun in the rain, it seems a fine place for daily walks and contemplation. I thought I saw Callie in your post of 11 November too.

    1. Yes, Callie was in the center photo of my Nov. 11 post. She was a sweet although neurotic dog, and we didn't get to enjoy her for a full 10 years. It was a shock when we found her paralyzed one afternoon, and two days later had to have her euthanized. We love walks in the vineyard in all seasons.

  2. Yes, Callie had a beautiful coat! You never know what to expect with your apple trees.

  3. Apple trees can be so fickle. We've been picking apples for many years at one orchard that has a lot of trees. The variations from year to year with respect to quantities and sometimes quality and size is often amazing. And often there are a number of trees that produce no apples during that year but are still doing fine and producing plenty the next year.
    I've been very neglectful in viewing your blog for several months, which is the case with all my feeds. Maybe I'll weed out a bunch of blogs so that when I click on Feedly I won't be overwhelmed by the number of blogs. Then I can just zero in on yours.

    1. Hello Bob, good to hear from you. Thanks for the information about apple trees. Hope you and yours are doing well.

    2. Yes, all is well. We're coming up to the time of the year that we get something you probably rarely see there -- snow. We've already had several freezes.


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