10 October 2023

St-Sylvain de Levroux, inside and out

L'église St-Sylvain was built in the 13th century in what is called un style gothique épuré. It's sometimes called la petite cathédrale du Berry (though it is not actually a cathedral).

On the weather front, we are living through another hot spell, with afternoon temperatures in the mid-80s in degrees F. It's in the 90s in Lyon and other places south of us. The heat wave, rare in October, is supposed to end this coming Saturday. I hope it does. Sometimes we wonder if it will ever rain again.


  1. It’s always interesting to me, to see the different styles of churches in France, from this era.
    Hoping for some rain for you.

  2. Our heat has finally broken, hope yours does soon.

  3. The internet connection seems to be improving. It's a long story.


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