09 October 2023

Charmingly rural Levroux

One of the things I like about living in the French countryside is the proximity of all kinds of animals, wild and tame. Little roe deer (chevreuils), hares (lièvres), badgers (blaireaux), boars (sangliers), ducks (canards), guinea fowl (pintades), pheasants (faisans), and chickens (poulets).

We came upon this flock near the church when we were walking around in the neighborhood. I don't remember if these chickens were even fenced in. They were just there.


  1. Real free-range chickens :) Our neighbors across the street have chickens (and we are not rural) and we sometimes see them running around loose in the yard... and sometimes see the family chasing the chickens down the street --ha!

  2. Growing up I had lots of pets but never chickens. My dad was a poultry dealer, maybe he saw enough chickens and eggs at work every day lol. I like seeing them run free.

  3. Free range chickens always look so happy.

  4. I shared these 'chick flicks' with my friend who has several chickens (1-acre parcel) but in the city! She loved them (friend from my french class) They are confined with her blueberries but have quite a lot of freedom nevertheless.


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