07 October 2023

Levroux (2)

This is the oldest house in the little town of Levroux, which is about half way between Valençay and Châteauroux. It was built around the year 1500 A.D. You can read about it in French below.


  1. Rain has nothing to do with l’encorbellement. This construction makes it possible to increase the surface of a floor without increasing taxes calculated on the ground floor surface. With the money saved, you can buy an umbrella!
    For its sculptures, this lovely house reminds of one in Luynes and one in Bayeux.

    1. I wonder if Jeanne d’Arc slept there!

    2. Yes, escaping taxes with those overhangs was also used in Britain! It would undoubtedly paid for a new umbrella every year! Too bad we cannot take advantage of such clever architectural features here in the U.S.! Think of the umbrellas we could buy!

    3. There's a very interesting Wikipédia article (in my opinion) on the encorbellement question.

  2. I would love to go inside.

  3. More architectural words for my increased vocabulary! How fun it would be to see those sculptured door frames! I imagine one can only peer inside through those windows?


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