08 April 2023

Painted and put back together

We started the job of repainting our living room on March 10 and completed it by about April 12 (2005). We didn't work 8-hour days because we had other things to do during the day. Cook and eat lunch, for example. Start getting our garden plot tilled and ready to plant.

When we started putting paint on the walls, it looked very dark. We wondered if we had made a mistake in picking the color. But it dried to a much lighter green, so we were happy.


  1. It’s a beautiful shade of green and you both did an excellent job.
    I replied to your reply to my comment on yesterday’s post.

  2. Projects like this are satisfying when the ta dah moment arrives. Your fireplace is beautiful, a change from what we have in the US.

  3. I just love it. The framed colorful vegetables bring such a nice pop of other colors in, and the whole mix of kinds of furniture and lighting fixtures... everything comes together so nicely.


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