14 April 2023

New growth in the vineyard in April (2014)

Grape vines at this time of year: I took these macro photos on April 23, 2014. The grapes are behind schedule this year. We had a fine wind-blown rain day before yesterday. We had a shower or two yesterday. And this morning we're supposed to have a soaking rain, with showers this afternoon. So the deck job is still on hold until next week.

You might remember that I bought a new laptop computer a couple of months ago. It came with Windows 11 pre-installed. I found Win 11 pretty bugggy, so I decided yesterday to "downgrade" the laptop to Windows 10. I'm in Windows hell now, trying to get everything set up again. Wish me luck.


  1. I wish you luck, but knowing you, I know you’ll find your way around. How long has Windows 11 been on the market ? Not long enough to have enough people complaining about those bugs? Again, good luck!

    1. Here is a link https://www.pcmag.com/news/the-10-worst-things-about-windows-11

  2. Look at Walt's blog post today to hear news of Bertie.

    1. Thanks for the heads up. I hope Bertie's spirit hangs around the vineyard to look over you two fondly.

    2. See my comment to Evelyn further on.

  3. Oh, Ken... I'm glad you have closure on Bertie.
    Thanks for these signs of live out in the vineyard. The cycle of life.
    I know you'll get your laptop up to whirring away the way you like it.

    1. I made progress on configuring the laptop today, but there's a long way to go.

  4. Glad you were able to lay Bertie to rest.

    1. I feel so much better today. It's comforting to imagine Bertie lying down by the pond and going peacefully rather than worrying about him being shut in somewhere and trying to find food and water and warmth. At nearly 17 yo, he had lived a good cat life. And with Tasha he had found a new canine friend, a little like the one he grew up with.


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