20 August 2012

Saint-Aignan street scenes ( 7 )

Here's one more photo from the big Saint-Aignan summertime flea market. The Marco Polo shop is a gourmet grocery, specializing in imported and exotic spices and condiments, teas and coffees, and chocolates, along with wine and tinned foods.

The bar-tabac next door is Le Lapin Blanc (The White Rabbit), which appears to do a good trade. These two business are just off the main street and just off the market square, so they are in a busy location.

Waiting for the unbearable heat to break today and tomorrow...


  1. Speaking of Callie during these hot days, we were wondering, yesterday, if she would jump into a kiddie pool or stand being in front of a running sprinkler ( your water bill could climb up if it is on all day)

  2. You've been invaded by text enhance. Someone needs to hack into their site and destroy them.


What's on your mind? Qu'avez-vous à me dire ?