25 December 2024

Un chapon de pintade pour Noël

Here's what our Christmas bird looks like this year. We got it from the poultry vendor who sets up at the Saturday morning outdoor market in Saint-Aignan. It's a chapon de pintade (aka une pintade chaponnée). Pintade is French for "Guinea fowl." It's not that different from chicken as far as the meat is concerned, but it's something special to have for Christmas.

A picture of the oven-ready bird taken using my phone's standard photo mode

A picture of the same bird taking using my phone's food photo mode

Bon Noël 2024 à toutes et à tous


  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Ken.
    There are four of us for Christmas lunch today so we decided to roast two small chickens. That way we all get a leg each!
    Best wishes from Jean and Nick..

    1. Merry Christmas to you two too. Hope your weather is better than ours is. Walking around the back yard and vineyard is like wading through a swamp, except that it's cold rather than hot.

  2. Merry Christmas. Love the photos. Didn't know the phone had a food mode.

    1. I left you a comment earlier this morning but it vanished. My phone is new. It has the food mode setting. I don't know if earlier models had that. Hope you had a good Christmas.

  3. Merry Christmas. What kind of phone is that with a food mode? The two photos' colors are quite different.

    1. I left you a comment earlier this morning, but it vanished into thin air. My phone, which I've had for 2 or 3 months now, is a Samsung A25 G5. I don't know if other Samsung phones have a food setting for photos.

  4. I guess there are many food bloggers or food pictures on Instagram or FB these days LOL. I don't know if my iPhone has a filter for food photos, I'll have to check!
    Merry Christmas!

  5. Merry Christmas to you, Walt and Tasha!

  6. The food mode makes it look like its already cooked. Anyway Joyeux Noël.


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