12 December 2024

Au revoir, Saint-Vaast. Bonjour, [?]

Here in Saint-Aignan, we are still having gray weather, including rainy days and foggy days. The sun doesn't come up until 8:32 this morning, and it goes back down at 5:04 this morning. In October, we had 55% less sunshine than usual. November wasn't quite as bad, but there weren't very many sunny days. Now December — ugh! Looking at these colorful photos I took in the Cotentin (Normandy) cheer me up a little. I hope they do the same for you. Tomorrow I'll be leaving Normandy in my mind. I might go to (North) Carolina in my mind next. Or not. I'm talking about virtual vacations, not real ones.


  1. It's to our benefit that you have a large photo library.

  2. I bet that you can just smell that ocean air when you look at these photos. So many colors, too!
    Sorry for your gray weather, that must be a drag.

  3. Definitely looks like some kind of regatta and maybe an antique car show? Beautiful pictures. Sorry about your weather. It was 38 here in Florida this morning and ‘the heat is on’.

  4. Those antiques cars are fun. Looks like one says Austin on the front - maybe an Austin Healy?

  5. Another grey day here, Ken. Like you said, a little light late in the morning and then by 4:15 it is pitch black outside. Ugh! No way around it, I cannot wait for the Solstice so the days will start getting longer. I love these photos you have been sharing. How lucky for us that you keep such accurate files so we can enjoy your trips in Normandie. My Dad arrived on Utah Beach, 6 days after D-Day. He was always talking about heading to the Cotentin Peninsula. When my parents traveled with us we got to Mont St. Michelle but he never got back to Utah Beach nor the Cotentin Peninsula. My Mother was nervous that he would have a bad reaction but I felt badly about that then and now.


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