This morning I asked my laptop computer to tell count the number of JPG image files it could find on my hard disks. Here's the number it came up with: 724,956. That's almost three-quarters of a million JPGs. So why am I finding it so hard to find one or two to post this morning?
In French, people say: Abondance de biens ne nuit pas. That means something like "you can't have too much of a good thing." Or: "An abundance of good things can do you no harm." Think of French biens meaning "possessions" but also "goods" as in "baked goods."
In French, people say: Abondance de biens ne nuit pas. That means something like "you can't have too much of a good thing." Or: "An abundance of good things can do you no harm." Think of French biens meaning "possessions" but also "goods" as in "baked goods."
That's a lot of stairs!
ReplyDeleteVery pretty wood stairs and banisters.
ReplyDeleteThat is a fantastic photo, Ken!
ReplyDeleteAnd, lots of stairs:)
"Nuit" here seems to come from the verb "Nuire" - I hadn't heard of that before.
ReplyDeleteMERCI! You just gave me my first laugh- out - loud today! (Your number of files!) I told you I was impressed with your cateloging of images! Now I feel like I wasn't giving you ENOUGH credit!!! As for the stairs - just think how much healthier the two of you are because of all that climbing! That's looking at the bright side!