15 December 2024

Abondance de biens

This morning I asked my laptop computer to tell count the number of JPG image files it could find on my hard disks. Here's the number it came up with: 724,956. That's almost three-quarters of a million JPGs. So why am I finding it so hard to find one or two to post this morning?

In French, people say: Abondance de biens ne nuit pas. That means something like "you can't have too much of a good thing." Or: "An abundance of good things can do you no harm." Think of French biens meaning "possessions" but also "goods" as in "baked goods."

Here's one photo I can post today. Since I posted pictures of our loft space yesterday, here's a photo of the two staircases we have to climb to get up there from ground level. Hope the photo doesn't make you dizzy.


  1. Very pretty wood stairs and banisters.

  2. That is a fantastic photo, Ken!
    And, lots of stairs:)

  3. "Nuit" here seems to come from the verb "Nuire" - I hadn't heard of that before.

  4. MERCI! You just gave me my first laugh- out - loud today! (Your number of files!) I told you I was impressed with your cateloging of images! Now I feel like I wasn't giving you ENOUGH credit!!! As for the stairs - just think how much healthier the two of you are because of all that climbing! That's looking at the bright side!


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