04 August 2024

On to Montrichard

Montrichard is the next town of any size on the Cher river as you drive west from Saint-Aignan. It's only about a 10 mile drive. Montrichard is slightly bigger than Saint-Aignan, but not significantly. It's old castle keep was built at about the same time, a thousand years ago, as the keep (donjon) in Saint-Aignan.

The two pictures above are the first ones I ever took over at Montrichard. It was in October 2000, when we were spending a week in a gîte rural in Vouvray, 20 miles west on the banks of the Loire river. We were driving around and getting to know the Val de Loire region better.

Two years later, we had decided to see if we could find a house to buy in the area. I sent e-mails to a couple of real estate agents and asked if they could help us find the right house. One answered me, the other didn't. The one who answered had two agency, one in Amboise and the other in Montrichard. We came over to France in December 2002 and spent a week driving around looking at houses. We found the one that we've now lived in for more than 20 years. I happened to be in Saint-Aignan, but we could well have decided to opt for one of the four or five houses we saw in Montrichard that week.

In the photos above you can see the bridge across the Cher river at Montrichard, two photos of the old part of town, and Montrichard's main street, at the foot of the donjon.


  1. We drove around Montrichard on our last trip -- thought we'd have dinner there, but ended up not, for some reason. I wanted to see the town, though, since you've mentioned it several times over the years :)

  2. It looks like the town has a lot to offer.

  3. Looks like a fair amount of stores and restaurants for a small town, Nice!


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