09 August 2024

Le château de Montpoupon

Less than a 15-minute drive south of Montrichard stands the picturesque Château de Montpoupon. It was built in the 13th century but suffered great damage during the 100 Years' War in the 14th and 15th. A single family owned it from the 14th until the middle of the 17th. It has thrived on hunting over the centuries. It's open to the public. The bigger town of Loches is about 20 minutes by car to the southwest and the world-famous Château de Chenonceau is just 15 minutes to the northwest.


  1. I loved stopping by this picturesque chateau. The flowers make it even better to look at.

  2. I'm pretty sure that we (Betsy, Doug, et moi) stopped and took a look at this château when we came upon it, driving back to the gîte from somewhere that day. So very cool. We didn't go inside (I think it was closed at that hour.)

  3. I miss your blogs on what you’re eating these days. Is it still too hot to cook?

    1. We are eating a lot of salads, along with grilled meats that we cook outside.

  4. What a pretty chateau.


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