05 August 2024

Montrichard (2)

Of Montrichard, the year 2000 edition of the Michelin Guide Vert for the Châteaux de la Loire says:

Visiteurs pressés, montez tout droit au donjon  :  vous découvrirez alors une petite ville médiévale, aux maisons de tuffeau serrées contre son église, un pont, et la très riante vallée du Cher.... Les alentours du donjon méritent amplement une petite promenade, avec leurs maisons médiévales et leurs façades Renaissance.

I'm almost ashamed to say that I've never climbed up to the top of the old tower. Whenever I'm over there, I admire the bridge and some of the old houses, but I tell myself every time that I'll wait for a day with better weather to go to the top of the old tower so that I can take some good photos.

A lot of people probably think that Montrichard means "Mount Richard" and that the twon was named after Richard the Lion-Hearted, but it probably wasn't. It was already called Montrichard before that famous Richard was born. The T of Montrichard is pronounced, and the word trichard could be an old pronunciation of the modern French word tricheur, meaning "cheater."

Montrichard is a town full of narrow streets and built on the banks of a wide river. The town has quite a few shops and restaurants.


  1. This may be the year that you make that climb! Thanks for these good photos today.

  2. Ahh.... I think that we were planning to go to Le Procopio, in fact.

  3. That's interesting on the name of the town!

  4. I love the free standing signs that many French restaurants, etc. have especially those that have piggies on them.


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